Wednesday, October 16, 2013

F&F final note: 10/2013

AACRC Faith & Food Friends,

Thank You Garden Helpers
We thank everyone for another great season of gardening for others.  It's always sad to see the garden done for the year because it looked so beautiful. Not only does the garden provide food for others, it also provides beauty to our church grounds that many enjoy!
Deliveries to Food Gatherers 
The last few weeks 62#s were delivered for a total of 397 lbs of food delivered to Food Gatherers from AACRC this year! 

Our donations for the last 3 years:
2011: 213 pounds
2012: 420 pounds
3013: 397 pounds
Total for 3 years1,030#s delivered from AACRC F&F to Food Gatherers!

That's a lot of food and we should be so thankful our garden has done well.  Happy fall to all!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

F&F 9/22/13‏

AACRC Faith & Food Friends,

Fall clean-up has been moved to: October 5 at 9:30 am.

Also, the garden gate has been found open several times.  When you are at the church, would you please look to see if the garden gate needs closing and close it, if it is open.  We are almost done with the season - 2 more weeks, so not much longer to be concerned for our veggies.

Garden Helpers: 
- We thank B. Okonkwo for tending the garden last week.
De Anna will tend the garden this week.  
Deliveries to Food Gatherers: total delivered thus far - 335 lbs.  

- 3# were delivered last week
Garden Tasks - important tips
For the new (and old) Faith and Food Gardeners, here are some of the things to do while tending the garden:

Water & weed each bed for at least 4 min - we want to saturate the soil, not just top it with water
Dead-head the flowers: this means to remove the spent or dead flower heads so the plant will keep producing new
  flowers.  Dead flower heads can be put in the compost bin.
Check the tomatoes and gently pull the leaves/stems up through the cages to support the plant for future weight
  from the tomatoes
Encourage the pole beans up the twine.
Check the leaves of all the plants.  If you see holes appearing, then the plant is being enjoyed by some insect and
  we don't want that.  There is organic spray in the chest.  Spray each side of the leaves and respray after a rain.
Picking the squash: wait until the vine dies back.
Turn the water off at the church spigot.
Close the gate.

Schedule - Thanks to all who have volunteered to tend the garden this year.  We are set for this season!!!

·      23:  De Anna
·      30:  C. Green 
·      7 fall clean-up day 
Enjoying serving with you.  Thanks and have a blessed week!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

F & F 9/17

AACRC Faith & Food Friends,

Garden Helpers: Picking the squash: wait until the vine dies back.
- We thank H. Stob for tending the garden last week.
B. Okonkwo will tend the garden this week.  
Deliveries to Food Gatherers: total delivered thus far - 332 lbs.  
(Be sure to ask for a receipt from Food Gatherers when you make a delivery. Place in my church mail box.)

- 83# were delivered several weeks ago
- 27# were delivered last week

(If you, too, have a garden that is doing well and want to contribute some of your harvest to Food Gatherers in our church's name, just take your produce to Food Gatherers, ask to credit it to AACRC Faith & Food Garden account and be sure to ask for a receipt to put in my church mailbox.)
Garden Tasks - important tips
For the new (and old) Faith and Food Gardeners, here are some of the things to do while tending the garden:

Water & weed each bed for at least 4 min - we want to saturate the soil, not just top it with water
Dead-head the flowers: this means to remove the spent or dead flower heads so the plant will keep producing new
  flowers.  Dead flower heads can be put in the compost bin.
Check the tomatoes and gently pull the leaves/stems up through the cages to support the plant for future weight
  from the tomatoes
Encourage the pole beans up the twine.
Check the leaves of all the plants.  If you see holes appearing, then the plant is being enjoyed by some insect and
  we don't want that.  There is organic spray in the chest.  Spray each side of the leaves and respray after a rain.
Picking the squash: wait until the vine dies back.
Turn the water off at the church spigot.
Close the gate.

Schedule - Thanks to all who have volunteered to tend the garden this year.  We are set for this season!!!

·      16:  B. Okonkwo
·      23:  De Anna
·      30:  C. Green 
·      7:  De Anna
·      12 fall clean-up day 
Enjoying serving with you.  Thanks and have a blessed week!
Cathy Green 

Saturday, September 7, 2013

F&F 9/7/13‏

AACRC Faith & Food Friends,

Garden Helpers: Picking the squash: wait until the vine dies back.
- We thank W. Van Zomeren for tending the garden last week.
H. Stob will tend the garden this week.  
Deliveries to Food Gatherers: total delivered thus far - 222 lbs.  
(Be sure to ask for a receipt from Food Gatherers when you make a delivery. Place in my church mail box.)

- 81# were delivered by Ryan two weeks ago.
- 30# were delivered last week.

(If you, too, have a garden that is doing well and want to contribute some of your harvest to Food Gatherers in our church's name, just take your produce to Food Gatherers, ask to credit it to AACRC Faith & Food Garden account and be sure to ask for a receipt to put in my church mailbox.)
Garden Tasks - important tips
For the new (and old) Faith and Food Gardeners, here are some of the things to do while tending the garden:

Water & weed each bed for at least 4 min - we want to saturate the soil, not just top it with water
Dead-head the flowers: this means to remove the spent or dead flower heads so the plant will keep producing new
  flowers.  Dead flower heads can be put in the compost bin.
Check the tomatoes and gently pull the leaves/stems up through the cages to support the plant for future weight
  from the tomatoes
Encourage the pole beans up the twine.
Check the leaves of all the plants.  If you see holes appearing, then the plant is being enjoyed by some insect and
  we don't want that.  There is organic spray in the chest.  Spray each side of the leaves and respray after a rain.
Picking the squash: wait until the vine dies back.
Turn the water off at the church spigot.
Close the gate.

Schedule - Thanks to all who have volunteered to tend the garden this year.  We are set for this season!!!

·      9:   H. Stob
·      16:  B. Okonkwo
·      23:  De Anna
·      30:  C. Green 
·      7:  De Anna
·      12 fall clean-up day 
Enjoying serving with you.  Thanks and have a blessed week!
Cathy Green   

Monday, September 2, 2013

F & F 9/2/13‏

AACRC Faith & Food Friends,

Garden Helpers
- We thank V. Kulkarni, B. Okonkwo and R. Boes for tending the garden the last few weeks.
W. Van Zomeren will tend the garden this week.  
Deliveries to Food Gatherers: total delivered thus far - 121 lbs.  
(Be sure to ask for a receipt from Food Gatherers when you make a delivery. Place in my church mail box.)

- 11 lbs of veggies were delivered by Barb O.  
- 17# & 13# were delivered by Wayne from his garden.
- 4#, 12#, 17#, 11#, were delivered by others for a grand total of 85# in the last few weeks!!!  WOW!!! Thanks for all the receipts - sure makes calculating and record keeping soooo much easier.

(If you, too, have a garden that is doing well and want to contribute some of your harvest to Food Gatherers in our church's name, just take your produce to Food Gatherers, ask to credit it to AACRC Faith & Food Garden account and be sure to ask for a receipt to put in my church mailbox.)
Garden Tasks - important tips
For the new (and old) Faith and Food Gardeners, here are some of the things to do while tending the garden:

Water & weed each bed for at least 4 min - we want to saturate the soil, not just top it with water
Dead-head the flowers: this means to remove the spent or dead flower heads so the plant will keep producing new
  flowers.  Dead flower heads can be put in the compost bin.
Check the tomatoes and gently pull the leaves/stems up through the cages to support the plant for future weight
  from the tomatoes
Encourage the pole beans up the twine.
Check the leaves of all the plants.  If you see holes appearing, then the plant is being enjoyed by some insect and
  we don't want that.  There is organic spray in the chest.  Spray each side of the leaves and respray after a rain.
Turn the water off at the church spigot.
Close the gate.

Schedule - Thanks to all who have volunteered to tend the garden this year.  We are set for this season!!!

·      2:  W. Van Zomeren
·      9:   H. Stob
·      16:  B. Okonkwo
·      23:  De Anna
·      30:  C. Green 
·      7:  De Anna
·      12 fall clean-up day 
Enjoying serving with you.  Thanks and have a blessed week!
Cathy Green  

Sunday, August 18, 2013


AACRC Faith & Food Friends,

Garden Helpers
- We thank H. Stob & V. Kulkarni for tending the garden last week.
B. Okonkwo will tend the garden this week.  
Deliveries to Food Gatherers: total delivered thus far - 40 lbs.  
(Be sure to ask for a receipt from Food Gatherers when you make a delivery. Place in my church mail box.)

- 4 lbs of veggies were delivered from Wayne Van Zomeren's garden for our F&F garden.

(If you, too, have a garden that is doing well and want to contribute some of your harvest to Food Gatherers in our church's name, just take your produce to Food Gatherers, ask to credit it to AACRC Faith & Food Garden account and be sure to ask for a receipt to put in my church mailbox.)

Harvesting Note
For our new gardeners (and eager learners)
Tomatoes get picked when they are a nice red. This may be happening very soon, if not already.
Squash gets harvested when the vines turn brown and die back - late fall.
Beans are picked while still young and tender and before the seeds inside are visibly evident when looking at the pod. 
Carrots get picked when they are about ¾ of an inch across at the top, just below the green stem  The orange of the carrot may be sticking above the ground.

Garden Tasks - important tips
For the new (and old) Faith and Food Gardeners, here are some of the things to do while tending the garden:

Water & weed each bed for at least 4 min - we want to saturate the soil, not just top it with water
Dead-head the flowers: this means to remove the spent or dead flower heads so the plant will keep producing new
  flowers.  Dead flower heads can be put in the compost bin.
Check the tomatoes and gently pull the leaves/stems up through the cages to support the plant for future weight
  from the tomatoes
Encourage the pole beans up the twine.
Check the leaves of all the plants.  If you see holes appearing, then the plant is being enjoyed by some insect and
  we don't want that.  There is organic spray in the chest.  Spray each side of the leaves and respray after a rain.
Turn the water off at the church spigot.
Close the gate.

Schedule - Thanks to all who have volunteered to tend the garden this year.  We are set for this season!!!

·      19:  B. Okonkwo
·      26:  R. Boes
·      2:  W. Van Zomeren
·      9:   H. Stob
·      16:  B. Okonkwo
·      23:  De Anna
·      30:  C. Green 
·      7:  De Anna
·      12 fall clean-up day 
Enjoying serving with you.  Thanks and have a blessed week!
Cathy Green     
Share the love you have!

Monday, August 5, 2013

F&F 8/5/13‏

AACRC Faith & Food Friends,

Garden Helpers
- We thank J. Newman for tending the garden last week.
H. Stob will tend the garden this week.  
Deliveries to Food Gatherers: total delivered thus far - 36 lbs.  
(Be sure to ask for a receipt from Food Gatherers when you make a delivery. Place in my church mail box.)

- 1.5 lbs of veggies were delivered from Wayne Van Zomeren's garden for our F&F garden.

(If you, too, have a garden that is doing well and want to contribute some of your harvest to Food Gatherers in our church's name, just take your produce to Food Gatherers, ask to credit it to AACRC Faith & Food Garden account and be sure to ask for a receipt to put in my church mailbox.)
Garden Tasks - important tips
For the new (and old) Faith and Food Gardeners, here are some of the things to do while tending the garden:

Water & weed each bed for at least 4 min - we want to saturate the soil, not just top it with water
Dead-head the flowers: this means to remove the spent or dead flower heads so the plant will keep producing new
  flowers.  Dead flower heads can be put in the compost bin.
Check the tomatoes and gently pull the leaves/stems up through the cages to support the plant for future weight
  from the tomatoes
Encourage the pole beans up the twine.
Check the leaves of all the plants.  If you see holes appearing, then the plant is being enjoyed by some insect and
  we don't want that.  There is organic spray in the chest.  Spray each side of the leaves and respray after a rain.
Turn the water off at the church spigot.
Close the gate.

Schedule - Thanks to all who have volunteered to tend the garden this year.  We are set for this season!!!

·      5:  H. Stob
·      12: V. Kulkarni
·      19:  B. Okonkwo
·      26:  R. Boes
·      2:  W. Van Zomeren
·      9:   H. Stob
·      16:  B. Okonkwo
·      23:  De Anna
·      30:  C. Green 
·      7:  De Anna
·      12 fall clean-up day 
Enjoying serving with you.  Thanks and have a blessed week!
Cathy Green     

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

A note from Wayne

My gardening book says that beans climb counter clockwise.  Train them around the twine counter clockwise.    
The garden looks great.   
Keep up the good work.  

Monday, July 29, 2013

F&F 7/29/13‏

AACRC Faith & Food Friends,

Garden Helpers
- We thank M. Shaffer for tending the garden last week.
J. Newman will tend the garden this week.  
Deliveries to Food Gatherers: total delivered thus far: 34.5 lbs.  
(Be sure to ask for a receipt from Food Gatherers when you make a delivery. Place in my church mail box.)

- 4 lbs. of veggies were delivered from the Okonkwo's garden for our F&F garden.
- 12 lbs of veggies were delivered from Wayne Van Zomeren's garden for our F&F garden.

If you, too, have a garden that is doing well and want to contribute some of your harvest to Food Gatherers in our church's name, just take your produce to Food Gatherers, ask to credit it to AACRC Faith & Food Garden account and be sure to ask for a receipt to put in my church mailbox.
Garden Tasks - important tips
For the new (and old) Faith and Food Gardeners, here are some of the things to do while tending the garden:

Water & weed each bed for at least 4 min - we want to saturate the soil, not just top it with water
Dead-head the flowers: this means to remove the spent or dead flower heads so the plant will keep producing new
  flowers.  Dead flower heads can be put in the compost bin.
Check the tomatoes and gently pull the leaves/stems up through the cages to support the plant for future weight
  from the tomatoes
Encourage the pole beans up the twine.
Check the leaves of all the plants.  If you see holes appearing, then the plant is being enjoyed by some insect and
  we don't want that.  There is organic spray in the chest.  Spray each side of the leaves and respray after a rain.
Turn the water off at the church spigot.
Close the gate.

Schedule - Thanks to all who have volunteered to tend the garden this year.  We are set for this season!!!

·      29:  J. Newman
·      5:  H. Stob
·      12: V. Kulkarni
·      19:  B. Okonkwo
·      26:  R. Boes
·      2:  W. Van Zomeren
·      9:   H. Stob
·      16:  B. Okonkwo
·      23:  De Anna
·      30:  C. Green 
·      7:  De Anna
·      12 fall clean-up day 
Enjoying serving with you.  Thanks and have a blessed week!
Cathy Green     
Share the love you have!