Sunday, June 22, 2014

6/21 F&F news‏

6/21/14 Update for AACRC Faith & Food Garden Friends

Garden Helpers

•   We thank GOD for all the rain he has provided over the last 3 weeks and the Boes and Stephensonfamilies for tending our garden.

•   The Stobs will tend the garden this coming week.

2014 Garden Schedule


·      23:  Stob
·       30:  VZ
·        7:  Learned
·      14:  Okonkwo
·      21:  Reimink
·      28:  Stephenson
·        4:  Newman
·      11:  Brush
·      18:  Stephenson
·       25:  Wang
·        1:   Shaffer
·        8:   Okonkwo
·     15:   Green
·      22:   McLaughlin
·      29:   Fichtenberg
·        6:  Newman
·        12: fall clean-up day

Subs, if you need one:
Melissa Lubbers: 734-474-6822
Chris Adams: 734-834-8267

Please turn the water on and off at the church spigot.  

We welcome those who are new to tending the F & F Garden.  If you have questions about what you are to do, please contact one of the following for assistance.

·      Barb Okonkwo: 734-769-9659
·      Cathy Green: 734-678-2445
·      De Anna Stephenson: 734-483-4133

Enjoying serving with you.  Have a blessed week!
Cathy Green for AACRC Faith & Food Garden             

Sunday, June 1, 2014

6/1/14 F&F Garden‏

6/1/14 Update for AACRC Faith & Food Garden Friends

Garden Helpers

•   Our garden was tended and planted yesterday, Sat., June 31st by: Phil, Laura, Simon & Amos B., Harvey & Audrey S., Muriel L., Marie S., Janelle N., De Anna & Joey S., Barb O., and Cathy G.

•   C. Green will tend the garden this coming week.

•   There is 1 week remaining in need of someone (or a family) to tend the garden: Oct. 6!  Below I've listed the schedule, as it stood this morning, after the second service.  If you are able to tend the garden the week of Oct.6, please email me at:

·      This year we have two people who’s weekly schedules vary.  They would like to help on an “as needed & if available” basis.  They may be called, if you need assistance:

o  Melissa Lubbers: 734-474-6822
o  Chris Adams: 734-834-8267


Please turn the water on and off at the church spigot.  

We welcome those who are new to tending the F & F Garden.  If you have questions about what you are to do, please contact one of the following for assistance.

·      Barb Okonkwo: 734-769-9659
·      Cathy Green: 734-678-2445
·      De Anna Stephenson: 734-483-4133

2014 Garden Schedule

·        2:  Green
·        9:  Boes
·      16:  Stephenson
·      23:  Stob
·       30:  VZ
·        7:  Learned
·      14:  Okonkwo
·      21:  Reimink
·      28:  Stephenson
·        4:  Newman
·      11:  Brush
·      18:  Stephenson
·       25:  Wang
·        1:   Shaffer
·        8:   Okonkwo
·     15:   Green
·      22:   McLaughlin
·      29:   Fichtenberg
·        6:  ???
·        12: fall clean-up day