AACRC Faith & Food Friends,
Garden Helpers
- We thank M. Shaffer for tending the garden last week.
- J. Newman will tend the garden this week.
Deliveries to Food Gatherers: total delivered thus far: 34.5 lbs.
(Be sure to ask for a receipt from Food Gatherers when you make a delivery. Place in my church mail box.)
- 4 lbs. of veggies were delivered from the Okonkwo's garden for our F&F garden.
- 12 lbs of veggies were delivered from Wayne Van Zomeren's garden for our F&F garden.
If you, too, have a garden that is doing well and want to contribute some of your harvest to Food Gatherers in our church's name, just take your produce to Food Gatherers, ask to credit it to AACRC Faith & Food Garden account and be sure to ask for a receipt to put in my church mailbox.
Garden Tasks - important tips
For the new (and old) Faith and Food Gardeners, here are some of the things to do while tending the garden:
- Water & weed each bed for at least 4 min - we want to saturate the soil, not just top it with water
- Dead-head the flowers: this means to remove the spent or dead flower heads so the plant will keep producing new
flowers. Dead flower heads can be put in the compost bin.
- Check the tomatoes and gently pull the leaves/stems up through the cages to support the plant for future weight
from the tomatoes
- Encourage the pole beans up the twine.
- Check the leaves of all the plants. If you see holes appearing, then the plant is being enjoyed by some insect and
we don't want that. There is organic spray in the chest. Spray each side of the leaves and respray after a rain.
- Turn the water off at the church spigot.
- Close the gate.
Schedule - Thanks to all who have volunteered to tend the garden this year. We are set for this season!!!
· 29: J. Newman
· 5: H. Stob
· 12: V. Kulkarni
· 19: B. Okonkwo
· 26: R. Boes
· 2: W. Van Zomeren
· 9: H. Stob
· 16: B. Okonkwo
· 23: De Anna
· 30: C. Green
· 7: De Anna
· 12 fall clean-up day
Enjoying serving with you. Thanks and have a blessed week!
Cathy Green
Share the love you have!