5/30/15 Update for AACRC Faith & Food Garden Friends
What a great day it was for Harvey & Audrey S., Marie S., Janelle N., De Anna & Joey S., Barb O., and Cathy G. to plant our Faith and Food Garden! We finished before the full gentle rain that lasted a short time. Perfect for a first watering from God.
Garden Helpers
• C. Green will tend the garden this coming week.
• There are 7 weeks remaining in need of someone (or a family) to tend the garden. August, September and October need many helpers. Below I've listed the schedule, as it stood this morning. If you are able to tend the garden for any of the remaining weeks, please email me at: greencm@comcast.net
Please turn the water on and off at the church spigot.
We welcome those who are new to tending the F & F Garden. If you have questions about what you are to do, please contact one of the following for assistance.
- Barb Okonkwo: 734-769-9659
- Cathy Green: 734-678-2445
- De Anna Stephenson: 734-483-4133
2015 Garden Schedule
- 1: Green
- 8: Learned
- 15: Buiten
- 22: Boes
- 29: VZ
- 6: Stob
- 13: Okonkwo
- 20: Reimink
- 27: Ijzerman & Skurka
- 3: Stephenson
- 10: Newman
- 17: Shaffer
- 24:
- 31:
- 7:
- 14:
- 21: Okonkwo
- 28:
- 5: Green
- 12:
- 17: fall clean-up day
- This year we have one person who has offered to sub, should you need one. She may be called or emailed, if you need assistance:
- De Anna Stephenson - 734-678-9567
Enjoying serving with you. Have a blessed week!
Cathy Green for AACRC Faith & Food Garden