The garden looks great and God has been providing plenty of rain these last few days.
My short road trip to WV with Barb Okonkwo was great and now I'm back on the job, so to say.
We want to thank Marie Shaffer for tending the garden last week and the Brehobs are taking care of things this week.
Next week the garden will be tended by the Okonkwos.
I haven't heard how deliveries to Food Gatherers have been as of late, so if folks could jot me an email, I'd be happy to share what you have done in the garden with all.
I will share one bit of other news sent to me by Veena.
... I just received wonderful praise for our Faith and Food Garden. Bryan Weinert of Zion Lutheran and I were at an ICPJ meeting, and he warmly praised our garden: the look from the road, the sign, the posting of the guidelines, the tool chest, the benches, how welcoming it really is the ultimate Welcome Mat for our church. ...
It is so wonderful that this garden, designed to provide another opportunity for members of our church to be the hands and feet of Jesus, has now inspired yet another seed of growth for the community. Just another way God is at work behind & in front of the scenes, giving us encouragement, inspiration and opportunities to "DO" His work.
Have a good and blessed week,