Sunday, August 7, 2011


Hello F & F Volunteers!

Our garden is looking great!  Today, as I was explaining a few things to Katrina, Kira and Henry Brehob about the garden, our garden was complimented by a woman walking past the church.  In addition to liking our garden, I found out she currently does not attend a church, so I invited her to worship with us.  As she considers the offer, I hope God invites her to become a member of some church family, even if it is not ours.

We want to thank Kathy Gottschalk and the Strengs for tending the garden this last week.  Again, over five pounds of veggies were delivered to Food Gatherers this past week.  This may not seem like much, but when combined with all the other church, community and private gardens doing the same, it all adds up!!! This coming week, the Reiminks will watch over the garden.

Today, I readjusted the squash vines to allow for folks to get around a bit easier.  If volunteers will guide the vines to follow the general layout/path I've started, we can keep the paths passable, while still encouraging the vines to grow & produce.  A few of the squash vines' leaves are yellowing, but I don't think we need to worry - the rest of the vines look healthy and are setting out roots, too. 

I did notice a few things that can be done this week and will list them below:

  • Pull out the peas - they are done for this round.  I will see if a 2nd planting is advised, if not we will replant with another cool crop a bit later
  • Keep an eye on the tomatoes - something has eaten a few plants ends (possibly caterpillars) and should be picked off, if seen, and terminated!
  • The beans may need spraying - watch the leaves for wholes - they get sprayed only once a week, unless there is a heavy rain - directions are on the container
  • Do not pick the carrots just yet - they will get to be 5 - 6 inches long and can still grow a bit.
  • REFRIGERATE veggies picked, if waiting for a second picking that week to have a larger delivery. 
Just in case you missed last week's note, we will turn the water on & off at the hose divert-er which is attached to the extension hose that's connected to the main faucet.  Thanks to Barb O. for supplying that additional hose.

Also, I was asked about this again today, so will remind folks to get a receipt from Food Gatherers when you deliver produce and get the receipt to Barb O.  Thanks!

Finally, I will be gone next weekend, so I just want to give a heads-up to Marie Shaffer, who will tend the garden beginning on the 15th.

I can't think of anything else, so have a good week!

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