Excitement, Enthusiasm and Energy are in the air as the weather warms, flowers bloom, birds sing and we contemplate another garden. To refresh your memory, our garden was one of 30 - growing produce for distribution through Food Gatherers. For our first year participating, we were able to donate over 250 pounds of produce to Food Gatherers for people in our community!
Last week I attended the Faith & Food Garden Kick-off held at Food Gatherers. It was great to meet other gardeners, to learn a few things and have the opportunity to ask a few questions. Some facts I think you will find interesting are bulleted below.
- 2009 - 2011 a total of 25,022 pounds of produce was donated - A VALUE OF $40,773
- 2009 - 1st year
- 15 congregations
- 3,435 lbs
- 2010 - 2nd year
- 25 congregations
- 9,296 lbs
- 270% increase from 2009
- 2011 - 3rd year
- 30 gardens
- 12,291 lbs
- 32% increase from 2010
- 358% increase from 2009
- Preparing up the beds (new compost has already been applied)
- Planting some early crops - collards, kale, peas
- Laying out the hose
- Adding to the height of the fence to deer-proof the garden. Paul Gottschalk will organize and head up this fence-finishing project. Thank you, Paul.
- Planting the summer crops - Roma tomatoes, squash, carrots & beans
- Planting the flower containers & marigolds
We want to thank Muriel Learned for being a very dedicated garden steward last year. This year, Muriel has decided to step down from being one of the garden organizers. She will continue to help in other ways, so don't be surprised if you see her out there tending our garden. If you are interested in taking Muriel's place, please contact Barb Okonkwo or Cathy Green for more information.
Finally, like last year, from the time we first plant until the harvesting is completed in the fall, we will need people to water, weed, harvest and deliver the produce to Food Gatherers. If you are willing and able, you will be able to sign up for a week or a few days at a time on the sheet posted on the bulletin board (up by this Sunday) in the fellowship hall, or you can contact Barb or Cathy for further information.
Working, with you, to be the hands and feet of Jesus,
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