Friday, August 10, 2012

Faith & Food Garden - Aug 10‏

AACRC Faith & Food Friends,
Garden Helpers
We thank Marie S., Ann & Wayne V. and Pavan K. for tending the garden the last 2 weeks and this week.
Marian I. and Mary Ann D. will tend the garden next week.
The garden tending is covered for the rest of the season!
Deliveries to Food Gatherers
Over 23 lbs of tomatoes and a few beans were delivered to Food Gatherers the past 2 weeks and this week! And…the
tomatoes are just beginning! : )
Have you noticed?
The garden continues to look beautiful! We are so fortunate to have so many people helping to tend the garden.
If you take to food to Food Gatherers, jot me a note and I'll include the contribution amount in this note. Also, be sure to ask for a receipt and put it in Goddy Okonkwo's mailbox at church. Thanks!
Enjoying serving with you. Have a good week,
Cathy Green

1 comment:

  1. The garden looks lush and fruitful - and I am enjoying the updates on the blog. Thanks for all your work.
